Tuesday 13 November 2012

Health Benefits of Drinking Gulshan Pomegranate juice

Health Benefits of Drinking Gulshan Pomegranate juice

  • Drinking pomegranate juice can reduce blood pressure and slow down LDL (bad cholesterol) cholesterol oxidation.
  • It may help reduce the risk of having a heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. Studies show that pomegranate juice daily may help support the normal blood flow to the heart.
  • Pomegranate juice can help keep blood platelets from clumping to form unwanted clots.
  • Antioxidant in pomegranate may prevent prostate cancer or slow its growth.
  • Research shows that pomegranate juice helps prevent and destroy breast cancer cells without causing danger to healthy cells.
  • Pomegranate juice helps prevent and slow the progress of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Pomegranate juice can also help prevent cartilage deterioration which can result in Osteoarthritis.
  • Pomegranate juice may also help prevent dental plaque.

Recommended consummation: To 0ne glass of cold water add two table spoons of Gulsan Pomegranate concentrate, mix well and drink. Adding sugar or honey is optional.

Harga : RM 16.00 sahaja sebotol 250ml

Penghantaran PERCUMA! (konsep COD) 
sekitar KLCC, Ampang Park, Ampang Point, Ampang, Pandan, HUKM, Cheras.

Lokasi baru penghantaran PERCUMA - Setiawangsa!

* RM 7 bayaran pos sebotol (Pos Laju) 
seluruh Semenanjung.

Dapatkan segera!!!
Hubungi saya : 012-6834763 (fendi)


**Harga Borong**

Beli 12 botol dengan harga RM 160.00 (RM13.33 sebotol)

Beli 24 botol dengan harga RM 280.00 (RM 11.66 sebotol)


Untuk makluman para pelanggan, pembekal utama syarikat Durra telah memaklumkan kami bahawa Cuka Kurma Durra telah kehabisan stock.  Situasi ini dijangka dalam tempoh 2 minggu 11-25 November 2012.

Kami akan memaklumkan semula apabila bekalan stock sudah mula tiba.

Kami ingin memohon maaf kerana tidak dapat memenuhi keperluan anda. Kesulitan amat dikesali.

Namun begitu, anda masih lagi boleh mendapatkan cuka kurma dari jenama berikut:

1. Sahra - Keluaran Iran :    RM12 sebotol (borong 12 botol = RM120)
2. Minab                         :    RM16 sebotol (biasa)
                                             RM20 sebotol (yang telah diproses)

Terima kasih dari kami di AtTayseer Solutions.

Saturday 3 November 2012

Rahsia Kehebatan Minyak Zaitun

Buah Zaitun - 3 kali disebut oleh Allah di dalam al-Qur'an

Firman Allah S.W.T. : 
"Allah yang menerangi langit dan bumi. Bandingan nur hidayah petunjuk Allah (Kitab Suci Al-Quran) adalah sebagai sebuah "misykaat" yang berisi sebuah lampu; lampu itu dalam geluk kaca (qandil), geluk kaca itu pula (jernih terang) laksana bintang yang bersinar cemerlang; lampu itu dinyalakan dengan minyak dari pokok yang banyak manfaatnya, (iaitu) pokok zaitun yang bukan sahaja disinari matahari semasa naiknya dan bukan sahaja semasa turunnya (tetapi ia sentiasa terdedah kepada matahari); hampir-hampir minyaknya itu - dengan sendirinya - memancarkan cahaya bersinar (kerana jernihnya) walaupun ia tidak disentuh api; (sinaran nur hidayah yang demikian bandingannya adalah sinaran yang berganda-ganda): cahaya berlapis cahaya. Allah memimpin sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya (menurut undang-undang dan peraturanNya) kepada nur hidayahNya itu; dan Allah mengemukakan berbagai-bagai misal perbandingan untuk umat manusia; dan Allah Maha Mengetahui akan tiap-tiap sesuatu." (An-Nuur:35)

Firman Allah :
“Demi(buah) Tin dan (buah) Zaitun.”(al-Tin:1)

Firman Allah lagi :
“Dia menumbuhkan bagi kamu dengan air hujan itu tanam-tanaman zaitun, kurma, anggur dan segala macam buah-buahan. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar ada tanda (kekuasaan Allah) bagi kaum yang memikirkan.”(an-Nahl:11)

          "Kapsul Minyak Zaitun Extra Virgin Syria"

RM9.50 untuk 1 peket - 20caps.

Hubungi : 012-683 4763 (Fendi)

Cadangan: Pengambilan 3 peket bulanan 
dengan harga RM28.00

*Penghantaran PERCUMA sekitar KLCC, Jalan Ampang, Setiawangsa, Pandan, Cheras dan HUKM

Menurut al-Tarmizi dan Ibn Majah, Nabi s.a.w bersabda, “Makanlah minyak Zaitun, dan sapulah kulitmu dengannya kerana ia datang dari pohon yang diberkati”. Juga dianggap minyak dietari yang sangat menyihatkan disebabkan kandungan lemak monounsaturated (terutamanya asid oleic) dan polyphenols yang tinggi. Mudah diserap oleh kulit.

***Buah zaitun kaya dengan vitamin A, B1, B2, C, D, E, K dan zat besi.***

"Kapsul Minyak Zaitun Extra Virgin Syria"
Didatangkan khas dari negara Syria yang mana ia melalui proses perahan sejuk. Perahan sejuk (cold press) sangat penting di dalam menjaga nutrisi yang terkandung di dalam minyak zaitun .
Rahsia Khasiatnya:
- mengurangkan kadar kolesterol
- menghindari penyakit kardiovaskular dan Arteriosclerosis
- mengelak pembentukan batu hempedu
- membantu penghadaman dan mengurangkan ulser perut
- antioksidan dan anti kanser
- membantu meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh, pertumbuhan tulang dan tubuh yang baik (khasnya bagi kanak-kanak)
-menstabilkan asid lemak

RM9.50 untuk 1 peket - 20caps.

Hubungi : 012-683 4763 (Fendi)

Cadangan: Pengambilan 3 peket bulanan 
dengan harga RM28.00

*Penghantaran PERCUMA sekitar KLCC, Jalan Ampang, Setiawangsa, Pandan, Cheras dan HUKM

Monday 22 October 2012

Kosmo! Online - Khasiat makanan sunnah Rasulullah SAW

Kosmo! Online - Rencana Utama

SEJAK tahun 1998, Abdul Malek Faisal Mohd. Hyffny tidak pernah cuai dalam jadual pengambilan kapsul habbatus sauda atau jintan hitam sebagai makanan tambahan setiap pagi dan malam. Jarang sekali beliau terlupa untuk memakannya.
Bekerja sebagai pengamal media membuatkan rutin hidupnya sentiasa berdepan dengan tekanan. Situasi itu secara tidak langsung menyebabkan Abdul Malek diserang hipertensi.
Justeru, Abdul Malek berikhtiar merawat kesihatan dirinya. Selain mendapatkan rawatan di hospital, beliau turut menggunakan kaedah alternatif bagi mengawal penyakit yang dihidapnya.
Dalam tempoh dua minggu mengamalkan pengambilan habbatus sauda atau nama saintifiknya Nigella sativa, Abdul Malek menyedari perubahan positif pada kesihatan dirinya.
“Saya mengambil dua biji kapsul habbatus sauda pada waktu pagi dan dua biji pada waktu petang.
“Apa yang menggembirakan, saya dapat menghidupkan salah satu daripada sunah Rasulullah SAW dalam aspek pemakanan,” ujar Abdul Malek, 46, ketika ditemui Kosmo! baru-baru ini.
Tidak lama selepas itu, beliau membuat keputusan meletak jawatan kerana mahu menimba ilmu di Syria. Berada di negara Asia Barat itu selama tiga tahun membuka peluang kepada Abdul Malek untuk mengenali tumbuhan habbatus sauda.
Di Syria, beliau mengunjungi sebuah ladang hijau yang subur dengan tumbuhan hababtus sauda di Hama.
Hama merupakan sebuah bandar di tebing Sungai Orontes yang terletak di bahagian tengah Syria atau 213 kilometer ke utara Damsyik.
Memiliki populasi kira-kira 700,000 orang, Hama merupakan bandar keempat terbesar di negara itu selepas Aleppo, Damsyik dan Homs.
SETIAP individu seharusnya menjalani pemeriksaan kesihatan secara berkala untuk mengetahui status kesihatan masing-masing. - Gambar hiasan

Rentetan daripada itu, Abdul Malek tidak teragak-agak untuk menjalankan perniagaan memasarkan produk berasaskan habbatus sauda ke Malaysia.
Niatnya semata-mata untuk mempromosikan produk dan amalan pemakanan yang mengikut sunah Rasulullah SAW.
“Melalui kerjasama dengan seorang sahabat di Syria, saya menubuhkan syarikat M Faisal Sdn. Bhd.
“Visi kami adalah untuk meningkatkan kesedaran masyarakat tentang kebaikan produk ini di samping menjadi peneraju penghasilan produk berkenaan,” jelas Abdul Malek sambil memaklumkan bahawa perkataan M itu merujuk kepada sahabatnya, Shaikh Markhzan Jalani selaku pengarah bersama syarikat itu.
Habbatus sauda ialah sejenis tumbuhan yang berbunga secara tahunan. Asalnya ia tumbuh meliar di negara-negara sekitar Mediterranean.
Kemudian ia ditanam secara meluas di utara Afrika terutama Mesir, selatan Eropah, Syria dan Asia Tengah seperti Iran dan India.
Ketinggian khasiat tumbuhan itu diperakui oleh ramai cendekiawan silam, ratusan saintis dan pakar perubatan di seluruh dunia.
Ibnu Sina dalam bukunya The Canon of Medicine menyatakan habbatus sauda mampu merangsang tenaga serta membantu memulihkan kepenatan dan semangat.
Penyelidikan yang dilakukan oleh Universiti Carolina Selatan di Amerika Syarikat pula mendapati, ekstrak habbatus sauda memiliki khasiat antitumor tanpa kesan sampingan.
Makam Firaun
Mengikut catatan sejarah, habbatus sauda pada awalnya ditemui di dalam makam Firaun Tutankhamen. Penemuan tersebut memberi gambaran bahawa tumbuhan itu amat penting dalam kehidupan orang Mesir purba.
Walaupun kegunaan sebenarnya tidak diketahui secara tepat, ia dipercayai mampu memberi manfaat kepada raja mereka selepas mati.
Bagaimanapun, hakikatnya kegunaan habbatus sauda dalam perubatan tercetus selepas kedatangan Islam.
Imam Bukhari meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda: “Kekallah kamu dengan habbatus sauda kerana padanya itu ada penawar bagi segala penyakit kecuali mati.”
Prof. Dr. Latiffah A. Latiff dari Fakulti Perubatan dan Sains Kesihatan, Universiti Putra Malaysia menjelaskan, tumbuhan Nigella sativa adalah salah satu anugerah Allah yang amat bernilai buat manusia.
EKSTRAK minyak habbatus sauda dalam bentuk gel lembut.

Justeru, sebagai saintis dan pakar perubatan kesihatan awam, beliau bertanggungjawab untuk menghuraikan hakikat tersebut dengan fakta sains bagi membuktikan kebenaran sabda Nabi Muhammad.
“Habbatus sauda memang menakjubkan kerana setiap butir bijirin ini terdiri daripada berjuta-juta sel yang menyerupai sel darah manusia,” ujar beliau yang menjalankan penyelidikan tentang habbatus sauda selama sedekad.
Latiffah mengakui semakin banyak kajian dilakukan, semakin banyak pendedahan baharu ditemui.
“Apa yang pasti terdapat lebih 100 bahan aktif yang terkandung dalam bijirin hitam dengan timokuinon mendominasi antara 70 hingga 80 peratus daripada jumlah keseluruhannya.
“Hasil beberapa kajian yang kami jalankan membuktikan bahawa bahan timokuinon yang diekstrak daripada habbatus sauda berupaya menurunkan paras kolesterol, glukos dalam darah dan berat badan sekali gus mengurangkan risiko penyakit sindrom metabolik dan penyakit jantung,” jelas beliau.
Lewatkan penuaan
Ujar Latiffah, kajian pada haiwan makmal yang diaruh penyakit Alzheimer atau nyanyuk dan diberi makan bahan aktif timokuinon daripada minyak habbatus sauda turut mempunyai kesan tersendiri.
“Penyelidikan itu merumuskan bahawa habbatus sauda telah menurunkan paras beta amiloid iaitu sejenis protein yang terdapat pada otak haiwan nyanyuk berbanding haiwan kawalan yang tidak menerima suplemen habbatus sauda.
“Kajian pada tisu kultur dan sel kultur pula menunjukkan bahan aktif asid linoleinik daripada ekstrak minyak habbatus sauda mampu mengurangkan pertumbuhan sel kanser payu dara secara signifikan.
DR. LATIFFAH banyak menjalankan penyelidikan tentang keberkesanan khasiat habbatus sauda sejak lebih sedekad lalu.

“Di samping itu, pengambilan habbatus sauda sebagai makanan tambahan berupaya melambatkan proses penuaan,” terang Latiffah yang turut mengkaji keberkesanan habbatus sauda terhadap wanita menopaus dalam aspek peningkatan kualiti kehidupan seperti kecergasan mental, spiritual dan hubungan kelamin.
Tambah beliau, pengambilan habbatus sauda sebagai makanan tambahan dalam tempoh dua minggu mampu melancarkan sistem penghadaman, melawaskan pembuangan najis terutamanya bagi mereka yang mengalami sembelit, meningkatkan tenaga dan kadar kecekapan seseorang.
“Buat masa ini, saya masih mengkaji tentang persediaan habbatus sauda yang terbaik untuk diambil iaitu sama ada dalam bentuk asli, minyak atau dicampur dengan bahan lain.
“Namun, secara saintifik sukar untuk dipastikan keberkesanan makanan yang bercampur. Misalnya, mengambil habbatus sauda dengan madu.
“Kita tidak tahu yang mana satu antara kedua-duanya yang menjadi penyembuh dan memberi kesan positif kepada sesuatu keadaan,” jelas beliau.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Cuka Epal, Delima & Anggur KEMAL KUKRER

Sila LIKE facebook kami : www.facebook.com/attayseersolutions

(Jualan Secara Pre-Order)



HARGA BORONG : RM150.00 (RM12.50 sebotol)

Bayaran secara online atau transfer cash boleh dibuat ke akaun berikut:
MAYBANK : 155014985297    (Mohd Affendi Bin Othman)
BANK ISLAM : 05-012-02-030201-2   (Mohd Affendi Bin Othman)
*Sila maklumkan pembayaran ke 012-6834763 dan email salinan pembayaran ke attayseers@gmail.com

Hubungi saya segera : 012-6834763 (FENDI)

Penghantaran PERCUMA! (konsep COD) 
sekitar KLCC, Ampang Park, Ampang Point, Ampang, Pandan, HUKM, Cheras.

Lokasi baru penghantaran PERCUMA - Setiawangsa!

TAHUKAH ANDA ???Buah anggur mengandung flavanoid, antioksidan yang akan membantu memperlambat proses penuaan akibat radikal bebas. Buah anggur SANGAT kaya vitamin A, C, B6, folate, serta mineral penting (potassium, kalsium, zat besi, fosforus, magnesium, dan selenium). dan juga CUKA ANGGUR mempunyai pelbagai khasiat dan vitamin yang sangat baik untuk badan & kesihatan

  • Dapat mencegah dari risiko serangan penyakit jantung dan stroke
  • Mengawal paras gula dalam darah
  • Membantu penyerapan kalsium
  • Menentang bakteria berbahaya.
  • Melancarkan sistem penghadaman.
  • Melangsingkan badan dan mengembalikan keremajaan kulit (awet muda).
  • Merawat radang kulit dan keadaan kulit yg merekah dan pecah-pecah.
  • Meredakan masalah keletihan dan sakit-sakit badan serta memudahkan tidur.
  • Meredakan sakit kepala, hidung tersumbat dan asthma
  • Membantu menurunkan kadar kolestrol dan mencegah pengoksidaan kolestrol


HARGA BORONG : RM234.00 (RM19.50 sebotol)

Bayaran secara online atau transfer cash boleh dibuat ke akaun berikut:
MAYBANK : 155014985297    (Mohd Affendi Bin Othman)
BANK ISLAM : 05-012-02-030201-2   (Mohd Affendi Bin Othman)
*Sila maklumkan pembayaran ke 012-6834763 dan email salinan pembayaran ke attayseers@gmail.com

Hubungi saya segera : 012-6834763 (FENDI)

Penghantaran PERCUMA! (konsep COD) 
sekitar KLCC, Ampang Park, Ampang Point, Ampang, Pandan, HUKM, Cheras.

Lokasi baru penghantaran PERCUMA - Setiawangsa!


  • Menghalang dan mengurangkan pemendapan kolesterol pada pembuluh darah
  • Menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi
  • Membantu melindungi badan dari serangan penyakit kardiovaskular
  • Melancarkan peredarah darah, sekaligus mengelak berlakunya kekejangan dan kekakuan pada anggota badan
  • Melindungi otak dan menguatkan memori melalui unsur flavenoids
  • Membantu mengawal radikal bebas yang boleh menyebabkan lemah ingatan, pergolakan emosi dan kemurungan
  • Mengurangkan sakit kepala yang keterlaluan dan mengurangkan kekerapan sakit kepala (migraine)
  • Mengandungi enzim organik untuk membantu melawaskan sistem pembuangan, sekaligus membantu menurunkan berat badan
  • Membekal tenaga segera untuk memulihkan keletihan dan kelesuan badan, menjadikan anda lebih cergas dan segar
  • Mempercepatkan penyerapan kalsium dengan berkesan. Tulang anda lebih tumpat dan tidak rapuh sebelum masa, Insyallah

HARGA BORONG : RM234.00 (RM19.50 sebotol)

(Apple vinegar with honey)

HARGA BORONG : RM234.00 (RM19.50 sebotol)

Bayaran secara online atau transfer cash boleh dibuat ke akaun berikut:
MAYBANK : 155014985297    (Mohd Affendi Bin Othman)
BANK ISLAM : 05-012-02-030201-2   (Mohd Affendi Bin Othman)
*Sila maklumkan pembayaran ke 012-6834763 dan email salinan pembayaran ke attayseers@gmail.com

Hubungi saya segera : 012-6834763 (FENDI)

Penghantaran PERCUMA! (konsep COD) 
sekitar KLCC, Ampang Park, Ampang Point, Ampang, Pandan, HUKM, Cheras.

Lokasi baru penghantaran PERCUMA - Setiawangsa!

Saturday 20 October 2012


Rahsia khasiat MINYAK ZAITUN berdasarkan kajian ilmuan Islam. 
Di AtTayseer Solutions, kami ada menjual minyak zaitun samada dalam bentuk cecair atau dalam bentuk kapsul.
1. Minyak Zaitun berbentuk cecair adalah keluaran syarikat dari Syria iaitu DURRA boleh diperolehi dalam nilai kandungan 250ml, 750ml dan 1 liter.
2. Minyak Zaitun dalam bentuk kapsul pula adalah keluaran dari syarikat MINSYAM berbentuk kapsul gel yang mendapat status HALAL JAKIM.
Untuk harga produk, kunjungi laman produk tersebut.

Saya menjemput tuan-tuan dan puan-puan untuk membaca artikel di bawah ini. Ia adalah ha
sil kajian saintis dan ulama terhadap Minyak Zaitun yang pernah disebut oleh Rasulullah SAW sebagai satu minyak yang terhasil dari pokok yang diberkati. Selamat membaca.


One of the foods to which attention is drawn in the Qur’an is the olive. Research in recent years has revealed that the olive is not just a delicious food but also represents an important source of good health. In addition to the olive itself, olive oil is also an important source of nutrition. Attention is drawn to the oil of the olive tree in these terms in the Qur’an:
Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The metaphor of His Light is that of a niche in which is a lamp, the lamp inside a glass, the glass like a brilliant star, lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east nor of the west, its oil all but giving off light even if no fire touches it. Light upon Light. Allah guides to His Light whoever He wills and Allah makes metaphors for mankind and Allah has knowledge of all things. (Qur’an, 24:35)
The expression “mubarakatin zaytoonatin” in the above verse describes the olive as being “plentiful, sacred, auspicious, providing countless blessings.” Olive oil, referred to in the term “zaytuha,” is known as one of the most highly recommended types of oil by all experts, especially for coronary and arterial health. Its health benefits may be summarised as follows:
Benefits for Coronary and Arterial Health:
Most of the fatty acids in olives and olive oil are mono-unsaturated. Mono-unsaturated fatty acids do not contain cholesterol. Therefore, olive oil does not raise cholesterol levels but instead keeps them under control. Olive oil also contains omega-6 linoleic acid (EFA: essential fatty acid), which is essential for the human body. Due to this feature, health-related bodies (such as The World Health Organization) recommend that at least 30% of the fatty acid consumed in societies in which hardened artery and diabetes levels are high should consist of omega-6. This increases the importance of the olive still further.127
And by it He makes crops grow for you and olives and dates and grapes and fruit of every kind. There is certainly a Sign in that
for people who reflect.
(Qur’an, 16:11)
Studies in this area have revealed much lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and higher antioxidant levels in people who consume 25 millilitres (about two dessertspoonfuls) of natural olive oil a day for one week.128 Antioxidants are important as they neutralise the harmful substances in the body known as free radicals and prevent cell damage. It has also been established in a great many studies that the consumption of olive oil reduces cholesterol levels and prevents heart disease.129
Olive oil is also recommended for patients with heart and artery disease since it reduces the level of harmful cholesterol (LDL) in the bloodstream and raises that of useful cholesterol (HDL).130 In countries with high occurrences of heart and artery diseases, saturated fats with high cholesterol content are generally consumed.
In addition, olive oil does not disrupt the proportion of omega-6 to that of omega-3. It is very important that omega-3 and omega-6 be present in the body at specific levels because any imbalance in these proportions can lead to progression in many diseases, especially those of the heart and immune system and cancer.131 For all these reasons, many people enjoy good health thanks to olive oil. The American Heart Association suggests that in order to reduce the risk of heart disease high mono-unsaturated fats can be an alternative to a 30% reduced fat diet.132
Cancer Prevention
One study, published by The Archives of Internal Medicine, showed that women who consume high levels of mono-unsaturated fat have a lower risk of developing breast cancer.133 Another study by scientists at the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York demonstrated that b-sitosterol, a fat found in vegetable oils such as olive oil, helps prevent the formation of prostate cancer cells. The researchers concluded that b-sitosterol strengthens the internal communication system of the cell that issues the command for the cells to divide and that cancer can thus be prevented before cell division reaches an uncontrollable level.
A recent study by doctors at the University of Oxford has shown that olive oil has a protective effect against intestinal cancer. The doctors discovered that olive oil enters into a reaction with stomach acid in order to prevent intestinal cancer from beginning. At the same time, the University of Oxford researchers also established that olive oil reduces the level of bile and raises that of DAO (the enzyme diamine oxidase), thus protecting against abnormal cell growth and cancer.134
Prevention of Arthritis
According to researchers’ reports, people who consume large quantities of olive oil and cooked vegetables can have a reduced risk of rheumatic arthritis, a chronic inflammatory disease of the joints.
Olive Oil Assists Bone Development
The vitamins E, A, D and K contained in olive oil are particularly important from the point of view of assisting bone development in adults and children, and in strengthening the bones by fixing calcium. It is also recommended for the elderly as it is easily digested and through its minerals, it assists with the use of vitamins in the body. It also prevents calcium loss by stimulating bone mineralisation.135 Bones are the organism’s mineral structure storehouses and an absence of mineral accumulation in the bones can lead to serious complications such as bone softening. Olive oil has a most beneficial effect on the skeleton in this regard.
Prevention of Aging
Since the vitamins contained in olive oil have a cell renewing effect they are also employed in the treatment of the elderly, as well as nourishing and protecting the skin. As foodstuffs are transformed into energy in our bodies, certain substances known as oxidants are formed. With the high levels of anti-oxidants it contains, olive oil prevents damage by harmful substances, renews our cells and delays aging in the tissues and organs. Olive oil is also rich in vitamin E, which suppresses the free radicals that destroy the cells in our bodies and cause aging.
Contribution to Child Development
Due to the linoleic acid (omega-6 fatty acid) contained in olives and olive oil, these are a most healthy food for newborn babies and growing children. A deficiency in linoleic acid leads to the emergence of a retardation of development in babyhood and various skin disorders.
Olive oil contains anti-oxidant elements that prevent the destructive effects of harmful substances in our bodies, and fatty acids of great importance to human health. These support the hormones and assist in cell membrane formation.
Olive oil possesses a balanced polyunsaturated compound at a similar level to that in human milk. Olive oil is a sufficient source of these fatty acids, which cannot be obtained from the human body but which are of the most essential importance to it. These factors make olive oil very important for new-born babies.
Since it contributes to the natural development of the baby’s brain and nervous system before and after birth, olive oil is the only oil recommended for mothers by experts. As well as containing similar levels of linoleic acid to those of mother’s milk, when olive oil is added to fatless cow’s milk, it becomes as natural a food source as mother’s milk itself.
Blood Pressure Reduction
One study published in the 27 March 2000 edition of Archives of Internal Medicine once more stressed the beneficial effect of olive oil on high blood pressure. Medicines to reduce high blood pressure are also made from olive leaves.
Benefits for the Internal Organs
Whether consumed hot or cold, olive oil protects the stomach against diseases such as gastritis and ulcers by reducing gastric acid levels.136 In addition to this, by activating the bile, it makes it perfect. It regulates the discharge of the gall bladder and reduces the risk of bile stone formation.137 Moreover, thanks to the chloride it contains, it also assists the functioning of the liver and thus helps the body eliminate waste products. In addition, it also has a beneficial effect on the brain arteries.138
On account of all these properties, olive oil has attracted considerable expert attention in recent years.139 Some of the comments made by experts are as follows:
Jean Carper, a prominent authority in the field of health and nutrition, the CNN award-winning correspondent, columnist and author of The Food Pharmacy and Food-Your Miracle Medicine:
New Italian research finds olive oil contains antioxidants… that combat disease processes, including LDL cholesterol’s ability to clog arteries.
Pat Baird, a dietician and nutrition consultant:
I love the whole idea of olive oil’s versatility… the more we know about it, the more we learn about its great contribution to good health.
Dr. Dimitrios Trichopoulos, chairman of the Department of Epidemiology, Harvard University School of Public Health:
American women might actually experience as much as a fifty percent (50%) reduction in breast cancer risk if they consumed more olive oil in place of saturated fats.
Olive oil has a protective effect against some types of malignant tumors: prostate, breast, colon, squamous cell, and oesophageal.
D. Peck of the School of Medicine, University of Miami:
Olive oil has been shown to strengthen the immune system in mice…
Bruno Berra of the Institute of General Physiology and Biological Chemistry, University of Milan:
… [T]he minor polar components of extra virgin olive oil increase significantly the resistance of LDL to oxidation.
A.A. Rivellese, G. Riccardi and M. Mancini of the Institute of Internal Medicine and Metabolic Diseases at Federico II University, Naples:
Olive oil prevents insulin resistance and ensures better control of the glucose in the blood.
Patrizia Galletti of the Second University of Naples, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery:
Dietary intake of olive oil polyphenols may lower the risk of reactive oxygen metabolite-mediated diseases such as some gastrointestinal diseases and atherosclerosis. Olive oil hydroxytyrosol protects human erythrocytes against oxidative damage.
Frank Sacks of the Harvard School of Public Health:
An olive-oil-rich diet is more effective than a low-fat diet in controlling and treating obesity. Moreover, it leads to longer-lasting weight loss and it is easier to keep to…
As we have seen, a great many scientists today think that an olive oil-based diet constitutes the ideal nutritional model. It is stated that on account of these properties, olives and olive oil should be the fundamental constituents of every meal in one’s daily nutrition programme. The benefits of the olive plant, emphasised by Allah in many verses of the Qur’an, have been discovered in parallel to the advances made by medical science.
It is He Who sends down water from the sky. From it you drink and from it come the shrubs among which you graze your herds. And by it He makes crops grow for you and olives and dates and grapes and fruit of every kind. There is certainly a Sign in that for people who reflect. (Qur’an, 16:10-11)

Thursday 18 October 2012

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